Mobile apps can let users set up their preferences at the start, based on which users can be served with customized content. Apps can also track and observe user engagement, and use it to offer custom recommendations and updates to the users. Furthermore, they can also identify location of the users in real-time to provide geography-specific content.With mobile apps, it’s easy to treat users with a personalized experience.

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Native Application Development
With native mobile app development, the app is created and optimized for a specific platform. As a result, the app demonstrates an extremely high level of performance. Native apps are very fast and responsive because they are built for that specific platform and are compiled using platforms core programming language and APIs. As a result, the app is much more efficient. The device stores the app allowing the software to leverage the device’s processing speed. As users navigate through a native mobile app, the contents and visual elements are already stored on their phone which means load times are quick.

Hybrid Mobile Application Development
Hybrid mobile app development is cost-effective. It helps get the task done faster than any native or web mobile app, and across platforms. It requires a single version of the app that functions across many devices and platforms.
Further, as it falls in the middle of the native and web app spectrum, it helps manifest the user experience for either of the platforms.

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